
Sing it again

I am getting ramped up beyond belief for Cut Copy. I've said it before and I'll say it again, the last they were at the Echo, I had the time of my life! They owned that crowd, even the music label people were dancin' it up.

And now praises on LATimes, all to which I can say: It's about time.

Grab the Joakim remix of "Hearts on Fire" here from Modular.

And if you know what's up, you best RSVP for the after party next monday.

1 comment:

Patricia Gordillo Serrano said...

Stimati Teresa:

Vi invito affettuosamente a visitare il mio foglio o pagina in Internet dove troveranno i miei romanza e le mie poesie

Penso che per me possa essere molto importante leggere e lasciare il loro pensiero o interpretazioni sulle stessi poesie.


Patricia Gordillo

Córdoba - Argentina



Mie poesie all' Italiano