
The Futurist - Sounds Fancy!

Woxy.com has grown itself up and got themselves a blog, The Futurist! I for one am pretty exicited because they boast contests and free MP3s.

From the blog:
"Contests - Lots of you remember back in the FM days when all you had to do to get some free swag was be the correct caller to the station. Well, that is returning, but not over the phone of course. We will be having contests here on The Futurist where you will have a chance to win stuff. CD’s, Concert Tickets, and more goodies.
Free Downloads - Yeah yeah, we know there are already loads of blogs out there offering free downloads all the time, and we are joining in. But one of the differences here is that you will be getting some exclusive lounge act MP3’s that you can’t find anywhere else. Ohhh, you’re interested now eh?
DJ Picks - Shiv, Mike, Joe and an occasional special guest will take part in a “Song of the Week” feature where we all break down a track that is on repeat in our heads. Look for some extra insight into what the Jocks are spinning in this segment.
Lounge Act Previews & Recaps - The Futurist will be your destination for all the exclusive Lounge Act goods. We will preview the bands before they arrive and recap the performances after they are out the door. Pictures, full session downloads and individual MP3’s will be a part of each recap.

And they're Lounge Act sections are pretty stellar. I was hooked on them ever since they got me onto the Editors. If you haven't, you should check that set. It contains their cover of "Road to Nowhere". That song was so amazing live. Thanks to Woxy, those boys have really come a long way.

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